Unpaid Carers in Wales

Living In A Care Home In Wales

Bowel Screening Wales
Information for Carers

Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Wales. Bowel screening aims to find cancer at an early stage when treatment is likely to be more effective. Early detection is key. At least 9 out of 10 people will survive bowel cancer if it is found and treated early.  

Bowel screening is currently offered to people who are aged between 55 and 74 and live in Wales. We get address information directly from GPs. It is important that the person’s correct home address is registered with the GP. We do not hold any medical information.

Benefits of screening


  • Finding bowel cancer early gives a person the best chance of survival.
  • At least 9 out of 10 people survive bowel cancer if it is found early.
  • Bowel screening can help find bowel cancer early, even if a person is well and does not have any symptoms.
  • People can complete the bowel test kit at their place of residence.
  • The bowel screening test kit is quick and easy to do, with just one small sample of poo needed.


As a carer you may have your own personal views about taking part in screening. Your view may differ from that of the person you care for and you may feel that the person you care for is not making the ‘right’ decision.

You must remember that your role is to provide the person with the correct information (in an appropriate format) and support, so that they can make an informed decision to take part in  screening or not.  The form below may help you to provide this informed information.

Are You A Carer?

“A Carer is someone who provides unpaid help and support to a relative, friend, or neighbour who could not manage on their own due to illness, disability, frailty, physical impairment, mental ill health or substance misuse.”

Does this sound like you? If so, you are an Unpaid Carer.  We are interested in identifying Carers, especially those people who may be caring without help or support.  We know that Carers are often “hidden” looking after a family member or helping a friend or neighbour with day to day tasks and may not see themselves as a Carer.

We feel that caring for someone is an important and valuable role in the community, which is often a 24-hour job that can be very demanding and isolating for the Carer.  We further believe Carers should receive appropriate support by way of access to accurate information on a range of topics such as entitlement to benefits and respite care and not least, a listening ear when things get too much.

Why Are Unpaid Carers Vital?

Unpaid Carers provide around 97% of the Care in the community and save the NHS in Wales over £8.1 billion each year. The Robert Street Practice recognises that Carers contribute a significant saving to the NHS by looking after relatives, neighbours or friends who might otherwise have to go into long term care.  Young Carers, under the age of 18 may be particularly vulnerable due to their inexperience and lack of life-skills.  Young Adult Carers, between the age of 18-25, can be the most hidden group of Carers in our society. Therefore we are committed to providing appropriate support and consideration to its patients who are Carers whatever their age.

Why Should You Register As A Carer?

Registering as a Carer may help your health care team to:

  • understand your caring responsibilities.
  • signpost you to information, help and support, either now or in the future.
  • share information about the person you care for (with appropriate written consent)
  • may provide more flexible appointments that reflect your caring role.
  • offer you an annual flu jab (free).
  • refer you to other services or organisations that might be able to help you.

Our Carer’s  Lead is Matthew Page a dedicated member of staff to help with Carer-related enquires. We look forward to hearing from you.

What Is A Carer's Needs Assessment?

As a Carer, you are entitled to have a Carers Needs Assessment by Social Services. It is a chance to talk about your needs as a Carer and the possible ways help could be given. It also looks at the needs of the person you care for. This could be done separately, or together, depending on the situation. There is no charge for an assessment. Every Carer is entitled to an assessment; however it is not an assessment of your ability to provide care. When you register with us as a Carer, the practice will offer you the chance of a referral.

Information For Carers

Additional Information & Support

We have a dedicated Carers notice board in the waiting room with a lot of information and news of local events Information can also be found at: